Best Practices for Setting Up a BI Reporting System

BI implementation usually revolves around BI reporting which is an essential part of any business. Moreover, it is critical to set the reports in the best possible way; otherwise, it may perplex the entire team of employees. Also, it can misguide the end users to a great extent, and the business may face the consequences in the future.


Businesses whose BI reports are well-designed and structured can quickly gain valuable insights and unveil the best pattern from the raw data.


The blog comprises some essential things to remember while designing the BI reports having a better experience designing one.


       Unveil the reporting requirement

It is essential first to find your target audience. Businesses must create a comprehensive list of decision-makers, stakeholders, and end users so they can target them accordingly.


It is also essential to conduct meetings with the relevant stakeholders so you have all the applicable reporting requirements at hand. Essentially, the managers, data analysts, and executives must be made part of the meetings as they are the real people who will check the reports regularly.


For businesses, it may also happen that they may not meet all the stakeholders at once through meetings; they can schedule different face-to-face meetings and even cater to the contradictory reporting requirements of the stakeholder and resolve them on the spot for any inconveniences.


       Find the KPIs and metrics for every BI report individually

The next thing businesses need to do is to create a list of critical KPIs and metrics that they want to display on each BI reporting platform. In this scenario, the best action is to conduct interviews with each stakeholder so they can shed some light on what they want to see most in their reports.


Undoubtedly, many businesses already have their reporting process, and the majority of their customers are not satisfied. It is because it comprises the old and traditional methods such as Excel workbooks or the data is completely prepared with a manual process.


The best practice is to understand better their present reporting system and the areas where they truly need improvement. It is undoubtedly inefficient to ask the users about what they want in their reports as it may be confusing for them and may raise a question about your expertise.


       Choose the most suitable visualization for every metric

Visualizing the information to the end users is exceptionally important. However, if it is done so using the wrong chart or visualization, it may not convey the message. The users may get confused with the represented data.


Make sure that the visualization method you use is simple and easy to understand. The users do not have to go through it repeatedly to understand it. Select a visualization that best supports your data statistics.


       Display the report elements in the BI reports

After finding the right metrics you want to display on your reports with the best visualization method, it is high time to arrange each element most understandably for better-designed reports.


The most incredible tip for businesses is to keep the most critical information initially because the users start reading the data from the top left corner to the right. Less necessary information must be kept in the bottom half of the report.


       Highlight important information

BI reports usually possess an overwhelming amount of information. Hence it can easily distract the users. It is essential to use powerful colors to highlight the most helpful information so the users can pay more attention to it.


       Group the necessary KPIs with the metrics

BI reporting is essential for any business. When businesses want to derive insights and take prompt action, BI reports serve the best purpose. The end users can make most of the information if it is linked correctly. Grouping the related information lets end users access it entirely.


       Get approvals from the stakeholders

Undoubtedly, you have made many efforts to create and design the reports. But it is essential to get it approved by the stakeholders as they will use the reports regularly. Ensure the information is easy to understand so they don't encounter issues while reading the reports.


Ensure that the advanced features you use, such as drill-downs, drop-downs, and filters, are easy to use. Meaning the stakeholders have command over using them appropriately.


Final words

A well-designed BI report works wonders, and the end users can make the most of those resorts. In addition, it is essential to know your target audience well. When you know your audience well, you can surely deliver well. You must have a clear unearthing of the needs and requirements of your target audience in terms of the type of report they want from your end.


80% of any business's success truly lies in the BI reports of that particular company. Businesses operating today, no matter small or large enterprises, must acknowledge the importance of Power BI Consulting and reporting for their business because it is an integral part of any business leading to improved productivity.

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